The landscaping is taking shape and surviving the dry winter weather so far. The Cellar Door sign is up and it’s now heading for the final inspection and the occupancy certificate. We will be setting an opening date soon. As you can see the dam is looking rather low […]
Cellar Door Entrance Cellar Door improvements continue with the Council approved entry now installed together with the gravelled parking area. Entry sign approval should follow soon. ” order_by=”sortorder” order_direction=”ASC” returns=”included” maximum_entity_count=”500″] Our resurrected Seat Whilst up at Boree Lane helping with many tasks, our wonderful Valto took pity on the […]
Cellar Door improvements

The Cellar Door work continues at a steady pace with the Site entry installed. The timber rail fence and the original gate has been constructed by Builder Ian. Brett Gilmour from Cabonne Council has supplied our new official street number, 55, and approved the cleared sightlines with a bit more […]
The Cellar Door Site Entry is in!

Things are starting to take shape with the work on the Cellar Door progressing nicely. The final bits and pieces are happening with the flooring about to go in, the Cellar Door and kitchen furniture made and the entry fencing and gate about to be constructed. Still some painting to […]
Cellar Door Progress for November

A productive weekend included a big tidy up and ute trip to the tip, getting most external painting done on the two sunny days (of course the rain returned on Monday!), internal painting as well, and the spreading of topsoil and wood chip mulch. Great help having hard working family […]
Cellar Door progress October 2016

The water just lies on the waterlogged ground so painting the inside of the cellar door is the obvious option for windy, rainy days. Cellar Door Update early October was last modified: November 20th, 2016 by Bob Clark
Cellar Door Update early October
It just keeps raining and the ground is absolutely saturated. Miraculously, Ian our builder, managed to get a concrete path poured together with the framework for the timber retaining wall. The state of the wet ground is holding up earthworks for the driveways and parking area so we are really […]
Cellar Door progress for August

The extensive June – July wet weather event drenching the Central Tablelands has certainly now filled the dams to overflowing. What a contrast to our dam in early June! “It never rains but it pours” is true in this case as it has slowed progress on our Cellar Door. The […]
Wet Weather Central Tablelands

The Cellar Door project is making progress. After trenching and putting in the plumbing, the concrete slabs have been poured and stud walls have been part prepared. So things are beginning to take shape! ” template=”/home5/boreelan/public_html/wp-content/plugins/nextgen-gallery/products/photocrati_nextgen/modules/ngglegacy/view/gallery.php” ID=”3563″ order_by=”sortorder” order_direction=”ASC” returns=”included” maximum_entity_count=”500″] Cellar Door Update April 2016 was last modified: November […]
Cellar Door Update April 2016
Our builder, Ian Dickson, has started work on site with the new work being pegged out and trenches being dug for the plumbing. Cellar Door update was last modified: April 12th, 2016 by Bob Clark