Farm Activities

Some of the chores we do around the vineyard, like keeping the weeds at bay!

Thankfully, all the lead up work required for going organic has paid off as evidenced by the thorough audit process and subsequent approval. The certificate confirms the beginning of a three year period to full organic certification. So at this stage we are just crossing all fingers and toes for […]

Going Organic continued

March was a busy time in the vineyard with machine harvesters and hand pickers at work. Despite the dry spell, the grapes had hung on with the help of a bit of intermittent rain and the flavours are exciting. Chardonnay and Sauvignon Blanc grapes On Saturday, 3 March, Ian Pearce’s […]

March Harvest at the Vineyard

Coinciding with the very warm weather, our building team, Ian and Richard, turned up on Friday morning (19th January) to fix the shadecloth across the roof of the terrace extension. It certainly has made a difference as the terrace faces west and receives the full force of the afternoon sun. […]

Shadecloth to the rescue

Shepherds nowhere in sight but a full house under the shade of the tree. Had to stop and photograph this large, intimate huddle. Makes you think that there will need to be more trees with rising temperatures! ” order_by=”sortorder” order_direction=”ASC” returns=”included” maximum_entity_count=”500″] No room at the Shady Tree Inn was […]

No room at the Shady Tree Inn

After all the rain, and now warmer weather, everything is growing which means keeping the slashing going and protective sprays for the young vine shoots. The Lamborghini “Sprint” is being kept busy but at a pace far removed from its sporty relatives. ” order_by=”sortorder” order_direction=”ASC” returns=”included” maximum_entity_count=”500″] Green and Growing […]

Green and Growing

Waging war on the well- entrenched blackberry bushes commenced last year and has continued this year. The big clumps around the dam are gradually being reduced in size and the smaller ones have been killed off. Some however still show signs of life and new blackberries keep popping up as […]
